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How to make print screen button to automatically open the Snipping tool in Windows 11

 In windows you can search for keyboard from start menu and open keyboard settings.  Or you can go to Settings > Accessibility > Keyboard. In the keyboard settings window, toggle the switch that says "Use the Print screen button to open screen snipping".  Hereafter whenever you press print screen button, you will be able to make a selection on the screen for a screenshot.  
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How to get Ribbon Style Interface in LibreOffice Write and Calc.

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How to measure exact power consumption ( in watts) of a device in your house

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How to refresh and renew Ipconfig in WIndows

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Solved - The directory name is invalid error when opening file in Windows

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How to automatically shut down computer after downloading in WIndows PC

You may have to shut down the PC after a certain time to automate your computer to shut down, say after finishing a download. To do so, you need to open the command prompt. In the command prompt, type the following: shutdown -s -t xxx where, xxx = time in seconds. If you decide to abort the above within the time, type the following in the command prompt. shutdown -a Eg, shutdown -s -t 2400 will shutdown the computer in 40 minutes (2400/60).