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Showing posts from May, 2008

Browsers that one should try

There are various browsers with various features and functionalities that many people do not have have the idea of which one they should choose.Here I will list out various browsers with their famous functionalities. Mozilla Firefox:                    It is a very good browser .It has the features like tabbed browsing,and redirecting you directly to your gmail inbox  based on the last entry by storing your passwords.It has a very sleek look and it can incorporate lot of features by installing addons for firefox. Opera:                Many of the inconveniences of the Firefox browser can be overcome by using opera.According to me opera is one of the ideal web-browsers .It is a great boon for internet users.It has Tabbed Browsing ability.It's cached imaging feature is one which is atmost outstanding.For people with low bandwidth usage restrictions this might come in not forget to disable images ,do not worry you can turn images on without having to completely reload the pa...

How to clear the prefetch folder in windows

Prefetching is what windows does in order to run or start applications faster when their icon is clicked either from the shortcut or from the .exe file itself. Just goto Run and type prefetch and give ok . the prefetch folder will open. There is no harm in emptying the prefetch folder ,windows will rebuild it again when necessary.You can empty this folder when windows is strangely taking more time to boot. But never ever delete the prefetch folder itself this might lead to consequences.

How to remove certain context Menus which are created by applications

To remove these context menu entries .,go to run>and type regedit and open the registry editor. Goto Hkey_classes_root and then expand the * node by clicking on the + sign near it . Then expand the shellex node and then expand the contextmenuhandlers node. There you will be able to see various applications which have created context menu .Just remove the key which you do not want to appear as the context menu by exporting it out of the registry. Now refresh My Computer and now you will not be able to see these context menu.This will hold for files . For folders go to Hkey_classes_root and then expand the folder node and then repeat the same.

How To Have customised Context Menu for different filetypes

This article deals with the technique to add your own right-click context menu entry for any file type. Say you have installed photoshop and you edit your photos (.jpg files)often.It would be better to have a context menu for opening jpg files by right clicking them and selecting open with photoshop, from the context menu . To add such a context menu open My Computer and open folder options from the tools menu.Click on the filetypes tab and then move to the file type to which you want to add the context menu .Now click advanced button at the bottom and click New button under Actions.The New Action Dialog Box appears. Give the name of the action in the textbox under the Actions: heading. Then browse for the application which you want to open the file with by clicking on the browse button. Now give ok. Now refresh the window and then when you right-click on the file type to which you have added the action you will have the context menu option there, with the name you have entered in th...

Very slow copying from CD drive

This is a very common problem in various computers . The copying speed is reduced to around 1.0 mb/second.That is the cd drive copies at approximately 6x speed.The read speed is considerably reduced.This normally happens because after retundant cyclic errors the drive considerably reduces the read speed.The only easy way to increase the drive speed back to normal (say 48x) is to uninstall the IDE controllers and then let windows cofigure and reinstall it during the next startup. To uninstall the IDE controllers, right-click My computer (In windows)and select properties.Click the Hardware tab and then click Device Manager.In the Device Manager expand the IDE ATA/ATAPI and then Right-click the ATI IDE Controller and then click uninstall. After uninstallation the CD-drive icon will disappear,but do not worry . Just restart your system and windows will do the rest of the process of installing the driver back and you will get the CD-drive icon back.

Disable Splash screen in WindowsXP

The splash screen is the one which is displayed during the startup of windows XP .It hides the various background processes which occurs in windows XP during startup . If you want to view the process during srartup just out of curiosity you can disable the splash screen . (Note : In most linux operating systems all the processes during startup are shown.) Disabling splashscreen will even help you to diagonise various problems at startup. To do this rightclick My computer and select properties . Select the advanced tab and then select settings under the startup and recovery groupbox. Click on the edit button to manually edit startup options .The file will be looking like this [boot loader] timeout=30 default=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS [operating systems] multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect After the /fastdetect add a space and type /sos. It should look like this [boot loader] timeout=30 ...