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Showing posts from August, 2009

How to reinstall the task manager in Windows Using the INF files

The task manager might end up in a bad shape at times due to virus attacks, so it is sometimes recommended to reinstall the task manager. To reinstall the task manager: Go to c:\Windows\Inf folder. If you are not sure in which drive your windows folder is, you can also go to the inf folder by the following way, Open the run (win + r) dialog and copy this %systemroot%\inf and paste it in the run dialog and hit enter. Then find the file called mstask.inf and then right click it and select Install. You will be prompted to insert your windows Xp CD. Once you insert the Reinstallation is done.

How to login to a website automatically using Firefox 3.0

It might be good if some of our favourite sites login automatically when we open it. You can login to a website automatically by keeping its cookie permanently in your browser. But this is safe only for a protected user account and not for a shared computer. Open Firefox and then go to Tools > Options. Go to the privacy tab and then, under the cookies click the exceptions button. Then enter the URL of the sites for which you want to store the cookies permanently. From now whenever you go to that site you will be logged in automatically unless you delete the cookies in your browser( by using the clear private data).

How to disable the right click context menu in the desktop in Windows Xp

Open the registry editor (Start > run > regedit) Navigate to the following node in the registry editor: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer Now create a registry DWORD entry named NoViewContextMenu and set its value to 1. Restart your computer. To reverse the effect, change the value to 0 or delete the entry.

Release a locked file in Windows Xp using unlocker

Many times you might have confronted with a error message in windows saying that the file is in use and cannot be deleted, and to check whether the file is in use and all that. This software called unlocker can be used to unlock all the resources which hold up a file. Just install the software from here: Right click the file which you want to unlock and the click unlocker. A new window will open giving out all the possible executables using that file, you can terminate these processes to unlock the resource, but beware of this, You do it at your won risk. you can download Unlocker and get the details from here:

Why is this blog for?

This blog I write here is written for the basic users of computers, though certain posts may seem advanced, majority of the posts here are concentrated only for the basic computer users. There are tons of sites for giving out advanced suggestions, so I write in here of simpler problems which may seem very much simple but complicated for very basic users. Even though certain posts might seem highly obvious to be written like I said, this blog is for the basic users. So this is why this blog exists and if you have any suggestions please let me know. Thanks for reading.

How to resize a picture using HTML

You can make use of the img tag to resize a picture using HTML. Just give the width and height to which you want to reduce your picture to in a browser. Note that, the original dimensions of the picture won’t change; the picture will only be adjusted and displayed to the dimensions you have specified in the img tag. Eg: <img src=”the URL of the image here” width =”200px” height = “200px” /> So no matter whatever the image size is, it will be shown in the height and width you specify.

Auto complete website URL in Mozilla Firefox

Every time you will have to type a website addresses in your address bar you can easily auto complete the WWW. and the .com part ending by using this trick. Type the core of the web address, for example say Google, and then instead of clicking enter directly, hold the control (ctrl) keyboard button, and you will find that the WWW. and the .com part is auto filled by the browser and you will be taken to that page.

How to switch between windows which are open in windows Xp and Linux

When there are multiple windows open, it might be better for us to switch between them for easy navigation, instead of using the task bar. So, the easy solution is to use the ALT + Tab key combination to navigate between the recently opened windows easily. Just press ALT + Tab in the keyboard and a small splash screen will pop up , you can hold the ALT button and then multiple press the Tab key for navigating between the recently opened pages. You can release the keys key when you point the desired window. This trick also holds well in a lot of Linux machines. For windows vista, use the Win key instead of the ALT key.

Check your Google PageRank

This is a valuable tool to check your Google PageRank. Check Page Rank of any web site pages instantly: This free page rank checking tool is powered by Page Rank Checker service

How to save in doc format in Microsoft Office 2007

Just open the file you want to save and then click the office button. Then go to save as > Word 97-2003 document. Then you will be able to save the file in doc format.

Hidden files not showing in windows Xp

If the hidden files are not shown , go to My computer > tools > folder options and in the resulting window, go to the view tab and select the Show hidden files and folders radio button. If the hidden files are not still shown, it might be as a result of a virus attack, in such cases try the registry hack. Open the registry editor. Start > run > regedit. Navigate the registry entry, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Folder\Hidden\SHOWALL and then in the right pane, create a new DWORD entry named CheckedValue (note the spelling correctly) and then set its value to 1. Restart your computer. If the hidden files are still not visible, then go back to this location and check the value whether it is still 1. If it is changed, then there is some kind of a virus in your computer changing the value, you must first delete the virus. A good free antivirus is Avira Antivir Free edition.

Stumble easily with the stumbleupon tool bar

The stumbleupon tool bar is another one of those really good add-ons out there in fire fox. It helps you to mark the websites you like very easily as you browse through the web. One can also write their reviews directly using the tool bar itself, without going to the actual site. The stumble button can help take you to content similar to your interests. No wonder put up a recommended seal for this add-on. Try it.

Delete a file from the command prompt in windows Xp

Open the command prompt by going to run and typing cmd. Start > run > cmd. Then use the del command to delete the file. The syntax is as follows: del path_of_the_file you can also have parameters for the delete command. This command will be very useful when you can access explorer and want to delete a file from your hard disk. You can also delete read only files (force delete) , using the syntax del /f path.

How to backup the registry in windows Xp

The windows registry contains critical settings for all your applications to work. So when ever a registry entry is deleted or manipulated it is always a good practice to back the registry before doing any work with it. This will ensure that you do not loose any critical data. For backing up a particular registry entry do the following: Open the registry editor. (Start > run > regedit) Navigate to the registry key you want to back up before editing the key. Go to file > export. In the export registry file dialog box, select the export range at the bottom to either ALL or the selected branch alone. Select the location to save the file. The registry files will be saved with an extension of .reg. Now suppose you have manipulated the registry file after exporting and backing it up and if the file gets corrupted, you can always bring back the registry file back to its normal form by just double clicking and merging the registry file which you have backed up in prior.

Trick to give an empty name for a folder in windows Xp:

Many of you might be knowing this trick to make a folder without any name (except a space as the name) in windows Xp. Any ways, here let me tell about it once more. Just make sure that you have nums lock on. Then go to the folder which you want to rename with no name at all, then, right click it and select rename and then clear its contents. Then press and hold the ALT key and then type 0160 in the Num pad. Now release the ALT key. Press enter. Now you will be able to see that the folder has a space as the folder name. The trick accounts for files as well.