This article is all that you need to make a check list for what ever you have to do before buying a used computer. These tips will help you to have a used but high quality computer.
Here are some useful tips which one can follow to buy a used or an old computer. Used computers necessarily need not be second hand computers. By used computers I also mean computers which are found fault with during their manufacture. When such faults occur, the faults are rectified and they are resoled, only at a lower cost.
Computers can be quite expensive and then it might be important for students who do not have a large source of income .They can make use of these refurbished or recertified computers. Normally these computers are also given a warranty period but with a lesser cost because there was a fault when it was manufactured, but rectified later. In such cases it is advisable to go for a better brand.
When in case of second hand computers, the individual parts have to be thoroughly checked. Proper license must be obtained, to prevent buying stolen computers.
Monitors have to be checked by having them on the running condition for around five hours. This will show whether it has any problems. Some monitors might not work after getting warmed .This is called “dirty joint”.
Hard disks have to be checked as well.hey mist be checked for bad sectors. Try copying and pasting files from or to the hard disk to find out whether there are any problems. Try using any free disk check up software’s to determine the age of the hard disk and also to identify the bad sectors if any.
Also the mother board, RAM (random access memory) etc have to be checked. Check if the computer has any booting problems.
And finally always get the computer fully formatted when you are buying a second hand computer.