Sometimes it might be desirable to hide a user account in the welcome screen if you do not want others to know about that user account. It helps in improving your privacy as the other users will not know about the existence of the user. Fortunately, windows Xp has a solution for hiding your user account and removing it from the welcome screen.
To hide a user account, in the welcome screen follow these steps:
If you want your hidden account to be displayed in the welcome screen again, then you will have to simply go to the registry key that you have created earlier and delete it and restart your computer.
To hide a user account, in the welcome screen follow these steps:
- Open registry editor by going to start> run and type regedit.
- Then navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Microsoft > Windows NT > CurrentVersion > Winlogon > SpecialAccounts > UserList.
- In the right side, of the registry editor right click any where and select New > DWORD value.
- Then enter the name of the user account as the name of this newly created DWORD value. Close the Registry editor.
- Now restart your system.
If you want your hidden account to be displayed in the welcome screen again, then you will have to simply go to the registry key that you have created earlier and delete it and restart your computer.