You can make use of the img tag to resize a picture using HTML.
Just give the width and height to which you want to reduce your picture to in a browser.
Note that, the original dimensions of the picture won’t change; the picture will only be adjusted and displayed to the dimensions you have specified in the img tag.
<img src=”the URL of the image here” width =”200px” height = “200px” />
So no matter whatever the image size is, it will be shown in the height and width you specify.
Just give the width and height to which you want to reduce your picture to in a browser.
Note that, the original dimensions of the picture won’t change; the picture will only be adjusted and displayed to the dimensions you have specified in the img tag.
<img src=”the URL of the image here” width =”200px” height = “200px” />
So no matter whatever the image size is, it will be shown in the height and width you specify.